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Shelves: 5732 total
Read (2037)
Planning to read (3464)
Currently reading (4)
dnf (46)
not my cup of author (2)
not my cup of book (3)
not-my-cup-of-genre (9)
Favorite (18)
Wishlist (0)
Reviewed (817)
0-will-dnf-present-tense (1)
2017-nominees (25)
2018 (62)
2018 challenge (0)
2019 (32)
2019-challenge (7)
2019-reading-challenge (9)
a-kink-in-ink (4)
a-ku (7)
asap (76)
asap-to-buy (26)
asap-to-read (36)
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book-russian (2)
book-webcomic (7)
book: anthology (46)
book: fanfiction (8)
book: free (482)
book: graphic novel (66)
book: russian (3)
book: webcomic (9)
cha-pr (3)
char-annoying-female (5)
char-cinderfella (7)
char-human-pets (3)
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char-n-russian (7)
char-n-vikings (1)
char-prisoners (11)
char-siblings (4)
char-slaves (13)
characters: annoying female (1)
characters: cinderfellas (199)
characters: human pets (43)
characters: nat. asian (97)
characters: nat. russian (26)
characters: nat. vikings (11)
characters: prisoners (109)
characters: siblings (33)
characters: slaves (152)
characters: widowers (1)
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contains-abuse-partner (5)
contains-abuse-torture (14)
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contains-disability-injury-illness (35)
contains-disaster-mech-failure (1)
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contains-hospital-stay (3)
contains-hurt-comfort (8)
contains-kidnapping-abduction (20)
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contains-mush (4)
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contains: crime (204)
contains: cross dressing (6)
contains: curse (3)
contains: dark (178)
contains: disability, injury, illness (400)
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contains: family, kids (119)
contains: holidays (71)
contains: hospital stay (1)
contains: hurt, comfort (227)
contains: kidnapping, abduction (257)
contains: magic (37)
contains: mush (72)
contains: nautical (49)
contains: no hea (15)
contains: on the run (82)
contains: rainbows and lollipops (47)
contains: reincarnation (4)
contains: rescue mission (6)
contains: research, experiment (9)
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contains: snowed in (2)
contains: stranded, marooned (20)
contains: violence (542)
contains: war. battle scenes (85)
contains: wedding (3)
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g-action-adventure (18)
g-alt-universe-reality (7)
g-apocalypse-post-dystopia (9)
g-fairy-tales-folklore (9)
g-fantasy (56)
g-high-fantasy (11)
g-horror (5)
g-humor (5)
g-mystery-suspence (22)
g-mythology-folklore (10)
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g-punk-steam-deisel (1)
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genre: classic (11)
genre: dystopia, apocalypse (36)
genre: fairy tales (58)
genre: fantasy (850)
genre: high fantasy (81)
genre: horror (55)
genre: humor (200)
genre: mystery, suspence (400)
genre: mythology, folklore (30)
genre: non-fiction (11)
genre: paranormal (402)
genre: punk, cyber (1)
genre: quest (3)
genre: reference (6)
genre: sci-fi (258)
genre: steampunk (24)
genre: urban fantasy (57)
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genre: yaoi (87)
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location: cyber space, online (2)
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location: island, isolated, remote (16)
location: map, asia (39)
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location: map, europe (26)
location: map, hawaii (17)
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location: space, alien world (22)
location: space, off-world (40)
location: spacecraft, station (19)
location: under ground (2)
location: under water (6)
my-friends-said-no (30)
not-my-cup-of-author (4)
not-my-cup-of-book (10)
p-ads-marketing (1)
p-alpha-leader (18)
p-art-music (2)
p-art-paint-sculpt (3)
p-art-visual (5)
p-assholes (8)
p-b-b-inn-hotel-cruise (1)
p-bar-cafe-club (5)
p-bodyguard-security (3)
p-bookstore-librarian (2)
p-bounty-hunter (1)
p-business-banker-lawyer (1)
p-business-owner (4)
p-captain (2)
p-celebrity (1)
p-clergy-religion (1)
p-college-school (9)
p-computers-it (4)
p-cowboy-rancher (1)
p-farmer-gardener (1)
p-filthy-rich (5)
p-government-official (9)
p-knight-samurai-warrior (4)
p-law-enforcement-pi (13)
p-lawyers-businessmen (1)
p-mage-sorcerer-witch (14)
p-manual-construction (2)
p-manual-mechanic (4)
p-manual-other (4)
p-market-sales-trader (3)
p-medical-personnel (4)
p-military (17)
p-necromancer (2)
p-organized-crime (12)
p-outlaws (7)
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p-royalty-nobility (23)
p-scholar (1)
p-scientist-research-inventor (3)
p-secret-agent-spy (5)
p-secret-assassin (5)
p-service-industry-servant-valet (1)
p-sex-industry (4)
p-sport (2)
p-student (12)
p-superhero-villain (2)
p-teacher-professor (4)
p-vet-gamekeeper-animal-care (2)
p-white-collar-office-pa-etc (2)
p-writer-journalist (4)
p: alpha, king, ruler (5)
p: alpha, king, ruler, in charge (15)
p: arts - actors (22)
p: arts - dancers (18)
p: arts - musicians (67)
p: arts - visual (78)
p: assassin, hitman (47)
p: asshole (20)
p: b&b, hotel, inn, cruise (4)
p: bar, cafe, club (68)
p: bodyguards, security (60)
p: bookstore, library (9)
p: bookworm, collector (3)
p: bounty hunters, hunters (10)
p: business owners (110)
p: businessman, banker, laywer (1)
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p: college, school (207)
p: computers, IT (11)
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p: culinary (2)
p: farm, nursery, vineyard etc (12)
p: filthy rich (20)
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p: law enforcement, pi (253)
p: lawyers, businessmen (42)
p: librarian, bookstore (0)
p: mages, sorcerers, witches (200)
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p: manual, mechanic (11)
p: manual, other (12)
p: market, sales, traders (11)
p: medical personnel (104)
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p: navy, sailor (9)
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p: outlaws (92)
p: outlaws - highwaymen (0)
p: outlaws - smugglers (1)
p: outlaws - thiefs (1)
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p: pirates (36)
p: politicians, diplomats (19)
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p: teacher, professor (14)
p: vet, animal care (4)
p: white collar, manager, office, pa etc. (91)
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psy-abilities-other (6)
psy: elementals (27)
psy: healers (16)
psy: other (21)
published-2014 (19)
published-2015 (26)
publisher-dreamspinner (5)
publisher-mlr-press (1)
publisher-riptide (3)
publisher-samhain (12)
rate-everyones-gone-mad-but-me (11)
rate-favourites (4)
rate-goldie-hawn (3)
rate-rainbows-and-lollipops (2)
rate-supermassive-black-hole (3)
rate-this-book-kicks-ass (4)
rate-what-the-hell (11)
rate-аффтор-шапокляк (8)
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rating: everyone-s gone mad but me (91)
rating: favourites (149)
rating: Goldie Hawn (2)
rating: murder me first (6)
rating: pity fest (34)
rating: supermassive black hole (10)
rating: this book kicks ass (33)
rating: what the hell (55)
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sexcontent: bdsm, ds (470)
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sexcontent: kink - medical (1)
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sexcontent: mm-f (12)
sexcontent: mm-m (105)
sexcontent: mpreg (23)
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sexcontent: non-, dubcon (135)
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sexcontent: too much sex (100)
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species-incubus (1)
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species-shifters-other (10)
species-shifters-weres-canines (15)
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species: dragons (76)
species: elf-fae (74)
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species: familiars (5)
species: ghosts (62)
species: gods, demons (137)
species: incubus (8)
species: merfolk (15)
species: other magical (85)
species: shifters, feline (17)
species: shifters, others (34)
species: shifters, weres, canine (344)
species: tentacles (2)
species: unicorns (2)
species: vampires (202)
species: water creatures (12)
species: zombies (27)
theme-abuse (8)
theme-abuse-domestic (1)
theme-abuse-torture (6)
theme-blackmail-deception (4)
theme-cheating (1)
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theme-disaster-mech-failure (1)
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theme-holidays-vacation (2)
theme-hurt-comfort (3)
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theme-loss-of-a-partner (1)
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theme: abuse, torture (26)
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theme: nautical (10)
theme: no hea or hfn (1)
theme: on the run (14)
theme: prison, captivity (34)
theme: religion, spiritual (5)
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theme: season spring (0)
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w-present-tense-alert (4)
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warning: present tense alert (13)
warning: purple alert (4)
warning: аффтор шапокляк (5)
year-2012 (1)
year-2014 (1)
year-2015 (1)
year-2016 (8)
year-2017 (13)
year: 2010 (206)
year: 2011 (1)
year: 2012 (218)
year: 2013 (237)
year: 2014 (236)
year: 2015 (206)
year: 2016 (149)
year: 2017 (189)
z-classics-dumas (4)
z-gsm-bom (17)
Unshelved (2039)